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Hex Jigsaw Puzzle |Terry Pratchett's Discworld | Unseen University
Hex Jigsaw Puzzle
Hex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw Puzzle
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Hex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw PuzzleHex Jigsaw Puzzle
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Hex Jigsaw Puzzle

+++Redo From Start+++ as you take on the challenge of building Hex from +++oneoneoneoneoneoneone+++ – thousand pieces!
Peek into Unseen University’s High Energy Magic Building where Ponder Stibbons, Mustrum Ridcully, the Librarian and fellow Unseen University faculty members and students gather to consult Discworld’s famous thinking engine, Hex!


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The perfect Discworld puzzle for the ‘IT Crowd!’ and those of a thaumatological bent!

David Wyatt has worked his magic to incorporate all the fantastic details of Terry Pratchett’s magical thinking engine into one spellbinding illustration! Includes such components as the Mouse, FTB (Fluffy Teddy Bear), Anthill Inside, waterwheel (complete with ram skulls), hourglass, aquariums and BRL (Big Red Lever) plus lots of other gloriously geeky little details and hidden references to make the most practical Pratchett fans, puzzlers and computer programmers say +++Mr. Jelly! Mr. Jelly!+++

Includes a free fold-out print to aid your puzzling endeavours and a splendid spellbook box that you’ll want to keep chained to your bookshelf!

So grab your Fluffy Teddy Bear, have some cheese close at hand and prepare for your +++MELON MELON MELON+++ to be suitably puzzled. In the event of this puzzle sending you completely ‘Bursar’ don’t forget to apply “L-O-T-S-O-F-D-R-Y-D-F-R-O-R-G-P-¼-L-L-S”!

Jigsaw Puzzle measures approx. 70 x 50cm
Puzzle box measures 20.5 x 25.6 x 6.3cm


Puzzling Advice…
Our production procedures safeguard against missing pieces, so please allow a few days of searching before declaring a piece missing! Puzzle pieces like to attach themselves to clothing, pets and children, so thoroughly check the packaging and any rooms used for opening, constructing, transporting or storing the jigsaw puzzle.

This puzzle contains pieces of the same shape with similar imagery. If you are left with pieces that appear not to fit please double and triple check the puzzle to make sure that all of the pieces you’ve placed belong where they are.

Our dimensions are indications of image size for puzzling purposes only. If you intend to frame your puzzle please check the measurement of the completed piece as the cutting of the puzzle will inevitably alter dimensions slightly.