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Thief of Time New Cover | Terry Pratchett Books | Discworld
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Thief of Time – NEW cover edition

Time is a resource. Everyone knows it has to be managed. You mess with it at your peril. You can let it move fast or slowly but what you mustn’t do is allow it to stop. Terry Pratchett’s twenty-sixth Discworld adventure features history monk Lu-Tze and apprentice Lobsang Ludd in a race against, well, time!


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 On the Discworld time management is the job of the Monks of History, who store it and pump it from the places where it’s wasted (like the underwater – how much time does a codfish need?) to places like cities, where there’s never enough time. However, an ambitious and talented young craftsman’s new commission threatens to stop time, and everything else with it, but thankfully Lu Tze the Sweeper has his eye on the clock!

This striking paperback edition features artwork by Leo Nickolls with elements of Paul Kidby’s iconic cover artwork.

Hogfather is the fifth book in the Death series and twenty-sixth in the Discworld canon (but you can read the Discworld novels in any order!).

Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd.